Ground Vibrations

| Compilation of ground motion measurements


About us

Compilation of ground motion measurements

About us

We would like to especially thank Wilhelm Bialowons and Heiko Ehrlichmann for doing most of the site measurements. All the ground vibration plots, for the sites presented in this homepage, were done by Heiko Ehrlichmann.

Other persons who contributed to the contents of this homepage are:

Cryomodule Measurements:
     Ramila Amirikas
    Alessandro Bertolini

Other Measurements:
    Thorsten Bierer
     Hannes Molsen

    Markus Kubczigk
    Mark Lomperski
    Bartosz Poljancewicz

    Carsten Kluth
    Carsten Germer
    Renate Roude

We are indebted to the assistance of numerous persons in all the sites we visited. We would like to acknowledge support from DESY MKS (cryogenics group) and MEA (accelerator construction and installation group).