Ground Vibrations

| Compilation of ground motion measurements

Calibration Const.

Calibration Constants and Filestructure

Compilation of ground motion measurements

Calibration Constants and Filestructure

All files are ASCII data. The data are always taken continuosly, devided into 1min files, with the filename corresponds to the local recording time (MMDDhhmm). Depending on the sampling rate, the raw data files are containing 3000 (50Hz) or 12000 (200Hz) data points. With the old system and SMART16D, usually the data of two sensors were taken synchronously. Most ot the time the data of the new/upgraded sensors were taken seperatly.

Raw data (in bit) are given in *.prn files with 14 columns:


old sensors

new/upgraded sensors


z sensor1, no gain



x, sensor1, no gain



y, sensor1, no gain



z, sensor1, gain

z, sensor1


x, sensor1, gain

x, sensor1


y, sensor1, gain

y, sensor1




z, sensor2, no gain



x, sensor2, no gain



y, sensor2, no gain



z, sensor2, gain

z, sensor2


x, sensor2, gain

x, sensor2


y, sensor2, gain

y, sensor2



For the new/upgraded seismometer the raw data are also available in a different format (*.ufaz/*.ufan/*.ufae) -> one file per component; 6 columns, 2000 rows

The calibration constants for the old seismometers before upgrade are:
default gain: 127
digitizing: 225muv/bit
calibration: 750V/m/s

The calibration constants for the old seismometers are:

S1: vertical N-S E-W

S2: vertical N-S E-W
digitizing: 1.283muv/bit 1.288muv/bit 1.274muv/bit
calibration: 2980 V/m/s 2926 V/m/s 2992 V/m/s

S3: vertical N-S E-W
digitizing: 1.282muv/bit 1.271muv/bit 1.280muv/bit
calibration: 2961 V/m/s 2998 V/m/s 2959 V/m/s

In the download area you will find access to all our raw data files, directly or in zipped files, containing complete measurement periods.

Our standard data analysis creates three different output file types:

The FFT result is written to *.csv*/*.csw* files. "csv" indicates that the FFT was performed without windowing the raw data, whereas "csw" files were produced with tilting the raw data (-> first and last data point = 0).
The last character indicates the component ("z" -> vertical, "n" -> horizontal N-S, "e" -> horizontal S-W)
Each FFT result file contains five columns:

1: frequency(Hz)
2: real fourier component of sensor 1
3: imaginary fourier component of sensor 1
4:real fourier component of sensor 2
5:imaginary fourier component of sensor 2
(for detailed description and definition of these numbers see section FFT)

In addition overview files are created: KW**rms.csv*/KW**rms.csw*
The first two stars are giving the calendar week.
Each of these files contains 10 columns:
1: raw data file name (without extension)
2: time (calendar day)
3: sensor1, average value of the raw data (mum/s)
4: sensor1, rms-value for f>0Hz (mum)
5: sensor1, rms-value for f>1.0Hz (nm)
6: sensor1, rms-value for f>3.0Hz (nm)
7: sensor2, average value of the raw data (mum/s)
8: sensor2, rms-value for f>0Hz (mum)
9: sensor2, rms-value for f>1.0Hz (nm)
10: sensor2, rms-value for f>3.0Hz (nm)

For easier access an automated averaging is performed, resulting in avMMDDhhmm.cs** files, containing the averaged spectra and rmsav.cs** files for overview.
The spectra files are containing four columns:
1: frequency (Hz)
2: sensor1, spectral power density (mum^2/Hz)
3: sensor2, spectral power density (mum^2/Hz)
4: coherence (optional)

The rmsav files are containing seven columns:
1: start time of the 15min average period (calendar day)
2: sensor1, average rms-value for f>0Hz (mum)
3: sensor1, average rms-value for f>1.0Hz (nm)
4: sensor1, average rms-value for f>3.0Hz (nm)
5: sensor2, average rms-value for f>0Hz (mum)
6: sensor2, average rms-value for f>1.0Hz (nm)
7: sensor2, average rms-value for f>3.0Hz (nm)

For each measurement you will find typical PSD pictures in the result section. Here the FFT was always perforemed without windowing, using raw data of 11min. Diplayed is the average over six of these spectra with 1min overlap, taken at midnight (0-1h) or at noon (12-13h).
For download of such files: the format is similar to the average spectra files described above, but the number of rows is nearly 11 times larger; these files are indicated with a "11" in the extension.