Ground Vibrations

| Compilation of ground motion measurements


Talks & Presentations

Compilation of ground motion measurements

Talks & Presentations

Adapting the pre-installed geophones, inside cryomodule 8, for vibration measurements during its transportation

Adapting the pre-installed geophones, inside cryomodule 8, for vibration measurements during its transportation

Presentations in the XFEL LINAC Module meetings, ILC project meetings & other meetings

Status of the XFEL mock-up tunnel vibration measurements
Vibration measurements of the PETRA III slab, PETRA III meeting, 24 April 2008
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Contribution to the CLIC stabilization meeting on 18 March 2008
Vibration Studies of the ALBA Prototype Girder, 27 Sep. 2007
Cold Quadrupole Vibration Measurements At CMTB Using Geophones (XFEL Module Meeting)
Vibration Measurements On The LHC Cryo-magnets And Their Jacks
Vibration Measurements of a TESLA-XFEL Cryomodule
Vibration Studies of a Type III XFEL/ILC Cryomodule (Module 6)
Vibration Stability Measurements of the XFEL CryomoduleSupport Systems
Ground Vibration Measurements At DESY, Shanghai - 21. Nov. 2005
Ground Vibration Measurements at ALBA, 6. Sep. 2005
First Results on Vibration Measurements at TTF Modules, 2. Sep. 2004 (XFEL Module Meeting)

LCWS2007 and ILC2007, 30 May-3 June 2007, DESY, Hamburg

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Review of Ground Motion Measurement Program of DESY in Various Sites
Vibration Stability Studies of a Superconducting Accelerating Module at Room Temperature and at 4.5 K

European LC Workshop, 8-11 January 2007, Daresbury, UK

Overview Of Our Research Program & Vibration Stability Studies Of A XFEL/ILC Cryomodule At Room Temperature
Impact of the cryomodule support design on the beam jitter of ILC and XFEL main linacs

Workshop on Ambient Ground Motion and Civil Engineering for Low Emittance Electron Storage Ring, July 21-22, 2005, Taiwan

Ground Vibration Measurements with Seismic Sensors